Ten Page Turning Techniques Boot Camp


This ONLINE Ten Page Turning Techniques Boot Camp explores the ten writing techniques that every writer needs to add to their first ten pages (and the entire book) to keep readers turning the pages.

Online Event
Ten Page Turning Techniques Boot Camp


We'll start the ONLINE Boot Camp by discovering what is 'page turning' and why you need it to ensure your story is successful. We'll find out how the brain chemistry works when a reader starts a story. And the factors our stories need to grab their attention with a hook, plus what key elements are needed on our first pages.

Day Two kicks off with finding out how to ensure our characters are compelling from the first sentence. What the key questions are for your MC (main character) and why you must know the answers before you can write your first page.

On Day Three is all about conflict and worrying our readers. We'll learn about the four factors for keeping our readers in suspense and how to throw 'worry plates' in the air and keep them hovering about our readers, so they don't stop reading.

Day Four covers theme and voice and sensory writing. Learning how to show your voice and story theme on the first page, along with showing your character's five senses, is essential to ensuring a reader doesn't put your story down. Note, there are lots of mentions of 'show' and no mentions of 'tell' - this course is all about Show Don't Tell!

On Day Five, we learn how to write cinematically, and why 'show, don't tell' is the hardest writing technique to master, yet it is the most essential to capture a reader’s constant attention (and to hook a literary agent or publisher).

This is an intensive ONLINE course set out over 5 days when each day the virtual writing retreat explores two page turning techniques each day.

You do the Ten Page Turning Techniques in your own time and your own place - simply by logging in when you can and diving into the different sections of learning as and when you need.

I found the bonus materials very useful and helpful for extra learning. - Susan Shetler

The boot camp is for writers, published authors and screenwriters who are serious about their writing and want to ensure success for when a reader (of either a novel or a script reader) picks up their story and starts reading.

I get so much from being at the mentorship meetings after the boot camp, to ask questions regarding the writing challenges I am facing so they have been essential to my learning curve. - GJ Webb

This is far more than just a course on how to ensure you story turns pages - it is an essential writing course for writers who are serious about learning the writing techniques that literary agents and publishers want to see in writing submissions.

I found this course packed with elements of writing that I hadn't even considered. I quickly realised where I was going wrong with my story and why my submissions to literary agents were being rejected. Thank you for putting me on the right path for my writing career! - G. Henright

If these techniques, shown in this writing course, are not in your story, literary agents and publishers will reject submissions without these writing techniques. Can you afford not to sit up and take note?

Thank you very much indeed for the Ten Page Turning Techniques writing course. I have been able to spend all day today looking at my notes, reviewing the bonus material, and trying to put the learning into my writing. So whilst I found the content a bit overwhelming at the time, I am now starting to see how it all works. Thank you very much for all that you put into it! - Katherine William-Powlett


What You Will Learn

  • How to hook with your first sentence
  • What your first 10 pages should include
  • How to include your book’s theme
  • How to write a killer first sentence
  • What elements must be on your first page
  • How to write a killer first paragraph
  • How to tie in a hook, character, conflict, theme – all written with sensory writing
  • What brain chemistry kicks in when a reader picks up a story
  • How to get the reader’s attention and connect with the reader using that brain chemistry (with examples)
  • What key elements you need on your first page
  • What your first 10 pages should include
  • Why opening hooks are critical and how to write yours (with examples to inspire you)
  • Why your character must engage a reader from the first page
  • What factors will hook your reader and keep them suspended
  • What you need to do to create ‘worry’ in your reader to ensure they keep turning the pages
  • Why voice and theme are so important in your first pages
  • How to show your theme (Show, Don't Tell)
  • How to find your voice and show it from the first word
  • What are story questions and why they propel a reader through your story
  • How to write cinematically 
  • Why sensory writing is essential to capture a reader’s constant attention
  • How to Show, Don't Tell your story
  • And of course, The Ten Page Turning Techniques!

Who Should Attend?

  • Writers just starting out in their writing journey who want to develop a readers' platform
  • Writers targeting literary agents to possibly represent their novels need to show publishers that they have a reader's platform to share their books
  • Established writers and authors who may struggle with promoting and selling books
  • Screenwriters who need to ensure a production company or producer is compelled to read their entire story

Optional Extras

Private 1-2-1 Mentorships

If you prefer not to read your work to the group or discuss your screenwriting issues, you can opt for private 1-2-1 monthly mentorship meetings instead.

This would be a one-hour meeting for one booked session or one-hour x three sessions over three months to give you time to create compelling characters and learn how to reveal them on the page and come to the mentorship meeting with any challenges you are facing.

Ten Pages Feedback

Receive feedback on your first ten pages to ensure you have captured all ten of the page turning techniques in your writing.

IMPORTANT: As soon as you have made your payment, watch out for a confirmation email, which will give you the details to access the boot camp. Watch for the email and watch your junk box in case it falls in there!

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