Book Adaptation Boot Camp

For Authors Who Need To Learn How To Adapt A Novel To Film Script

Learn how to adapt your book into a screenplay with our Book Adaptation To Screenplay Boot Camp. In fact, this boot camp, also teaches you all about screenwriting!

Recording Available
For Authors Who Need To Learn How To Adapt A Novel To Film Script

If you are preparing to enter the 2022 Screenplay Award or for any other screenwriting contest or screenplay award with a book adaptation, you need to ensure you have several crucial elements in place so the reader-judges will be hooked on your submission and award you top marks. And possibly even option your book adaptation to produce your story as a film.


"A fantastically informative session. Feeling a mix of awe, trepidation and excitement. Thank you for another inspirational and thought-provoking session." Judy Bruno

Update from Judy:

"I cannot recommend highly enough, your inspirational bootcamp and subsequent follow up 1:1. Paula’s Book Adaptation Boot Camp not only taught me how to adapt my novels to script but also taught me screenwriting. Since adapting my novel into a series, only several months ago, I have had six successes, all as a direct result of the Book Adaptation to Screen Boot Camp in February. For Revenge of the Servants of the Gods, a two-episode pilot series, the awards to date:

  • Award-winner for First Time Screenwriter (Feature Screenplay), and for Television Script in the Cinematography & Photography Awards London.
  • Award-Winner for Best Original Screenplay in the Sydney World Film Festival.
  • Selected for Best Author in the Sydney World Film Festival.
  • Selected for Screenplay in the Nature Without Borders Film Festival. (Notification date Sept 15th)
  • Selected for Best Original Screenplay, Best Author, and Best Pilot Series in the Way of Art Film Festival.
  • Selected for Television Script - Pilot in the Chicago Script Awards.

"Am so enjoying the Bootcamp sessions with all the practical info, and also the energy and drive that you radiate." Cathy Hutson

"It’s been a fabulous course, and I’m full of enthusiasm to adapt at least one of my novels to a film, and another to a TV series. Thank you so much." Louise Mangos

"Thank you once again for such an informative and jam-packed week. Your enthusiasm was infectious, and I can't wait to get started on my project. I really loved the boot camp, and it's certainly given me loads of things to think about. I'm filled with equal measures of excitement and trepidation (can I really do this?). Using the tools and knowledge from your classes will inspire me to keep going." Angela Lambourne

"Thanks for a great week, Paula! I enjoyed the sessions immensely, and I am looking forward to putting all the information you gave us into action. The course was very motivational and inspirational." Becky Bronson

Update from Becky:

“If you’ve written a novel and people around you have told you it should be a movie, take Paula’s screenwriting bootcamp! This course gave me the tools I needed to produce a script that I could submit to some competitions, and I made it to the finalist round of the Page Turner Awards Screenwriting competition! I still have a lot to learn, but am grateful to Paula for her guidance and insights. I am feeling more confident now in my ability to navigate the world of screenwriting.”
Becky Bronson
Author of "When North Becomes South"

"This boot camp was exactly what I needed when I needed it! Though I've been a published writer for 52 years, I've never taken a screenplay class of any kind. Paula's offering was just the perfect amount of information I needed to feel empowered to adapt my 2nd young adult novel to screenplay. The best part? I got to do the whole thing in my home office in one week, have downloaded 'Final Draft,' and am on my way. Thank you, Paula! I really loved the class and look forward to the mentoring class moving forward!" Jamie Weil

"Having been encouraged by a literary agent to start writing screenplays, I was just starting to look for an accessible online resource when I was sent details of the brand-new Book to Film Adaptation module. Startled by the timing, I seized the opportunity, purchased the recordings, and went through all five days of the coaching in my own time. Turns out it was just what I needed. Paula (the course tutor) not only outlines the big differences between novel writing and screenplay writing, she also provides a very clear analysis of how to create and format a screenplay, and what screenplay writing software options are out there - the pros and cons of each. If you're looking for a practical introduction to screenplay writing, I highly recommend this online course. Paula is a very down-to-earth, no-nonsense guide. She covers all the techniques we need to master without ever being intimidatingly technical." Dr Mark Stibbe, award-winning author.

Grab Your Place Now!


 who should attend our book adaptation boot camp

Who Should Attend?

  • Authors, writers, and screenwriters with a great story to tell
  • Screenwriters just starting out in their screenwriting journey who want to understand screenplay techniques
  • Screenwriters targeting literary agents to possibly represent their writing for a book adaptation script
  • Screenwriters entering contests who want to impress a film producer looking for book adaptations to produce
  • Established writers and authors who can 'see' their novels on the big screen and want to learn how to write their story as a screenplay
  • Authors, writers, and screenwriters who need to learn more about screenwriting techniques
  • Established authors and writers who are always hungry to learn how to improve their writing - because a screenplay is a visual medium and writing a story as such will enhance any novel they are writing.
  • Someone teachable and ready to take a serious look at their story. Some writers simply want someone to tell them that their story is perfect. That will not be the case here. While you may be on the right track, your story may have flaws that will need to be addressed to improve the story and improve your skill set.
  • Writers who already have a general understanding of story fundamentals.
  • A writer willing to invest financially in building their skill set.  If you're not prepared to financially invest in yourself and in your writing, then this course is not for you. But if you are ready, then please join in!

IMPORTANT: You don't need a published book to attend. If you have written a manuscript of a novel and would like to learn how to adapt it to a screenplay, you are most welcome to join.

What You Will Learn On Our Book Adaptation Boot Camp

What You Will Learn On Our Book Adaptation Boot Camp

Our Book Adaptation To Screenplay Boot Camp will show you:

  • How to capture a script reader or screenwriting judge's attention within the first page of your book adaptation screenplay
  • What to write to engage script readers or screenwriting judges to continue reading
  • How to craft a compelling opening from a character's point of view
  • How to ensure the script reader or screenwriting judge is embedded into the story from the first sentences
  • How to adapt your book from a manuscript format into a scriptwriting format
  • Advice on dos and don't when adapting a book to a screenplay
  • How writing your story in a visual screenplay medium will enhance your story no matter what manuscript, book, or novel format you intend to write
Our Book Adaptation To Screenplay Boot Camp will show you

Our Book Adaptation Boot Camp Modules

Our Book Adaptation To Screenplay Boot Camp will show you:

  • The difference between novel & screenwriting
  • How to prepare for your book adaptation
  • Why you have Creative Freedom
  • What is the story's essence
  • Why and what to change
  • The 10-page hook
  • Story versus Plot
  • Critical Elements of Screenwriting
  • Techniques to adapt your novels to screenplays
  • How to write poetry on the page
  • What are cardinal sins?
  • How to show internals in a script
  • The elements of screenwriting
  • Understanding Screenwriting Terms
  • What to capitalize in a script
  • How, when, and where to introduce characters
  • How to be an expert in character intros
  • Study of 4 Screenwriting Software
  • Paid and Free Versions
  • How to use Screenwriting Software
  • How To Use Your Logline As A North Star
  • What To Do With Your Book Adaptation


I get so much from being at the mentorship meetings after the boot camp, to ask questions regarding the writing challenges I am facing so they have been essential to my learning curve. - GJ Webb

Additional Features
For Authors

This Book Adaptation Boot Camp is ideal for authors with published novels, so they can learn how to adapt their novels to screenplays.

More Unique Writing Boot Camps

For Writers

Our Book Adaptation Boot Camp is ideal for writers with unpublished novels, who want to learn about the art of storytelling.

For New Screenwriters

Our Book Adaptation Boot Camp is ideal for new screenwriters who want to learn more about the art of screenwriting.