This Ten Techniques To Turning Pages Virtual Writing Retreat will explore the ten writing techniques that every writer needs to add to their first ten pages to keep readers, judges in a contest, such as Page Turner Awards, publishers and literary agents reading, so they want to know more about the character and how the story will unfold.
This is an intensive course over 5 days when each day the virtual writing retreat explores two page turning techniques each day. Spend a week with Secret World Retreat Virtual Retreats to learn how to create Page Turning Techniques for your writing. Over 5 sessions, one per day for one week, you will learn ten page turning techniques to improve and enhance your writing.
Each Virtual Writing Retreat Day
Each day you will learn two page turning techniques, and you can spend some time after the virtual writing retreat to add this technique to your writing. You leave the virtual session to go and do your assignment, which is related to the day's learning. You return the following day to share your writing (only if you want to learn from the feedback the group will give you).
Each writer on this Ten Page Turning Techniques Virtual Retreat will get the chance to read out their page turning technique if they so wish. There is no pressure to do this. It's entirely your choice. We recommend that you give it a go, to help gain as much as possible from the benefits of a group writing retreat.
At the end of the virtual writing retreat, you will have all the page turning techniques in place to ensure your first ten pages keep turning, and you'll work on the rest of the pages in your novel or writing project to ensure they also keep turning!
Full course daily details can be found here.
Important: Workshopping Order Of Priority
Please note: The workshopping option is very popular and as such the order of workshopping works on priority of booking. First to order is first to workshop on each day. Second to order is second to workshop, etc.
Check your inbox in case your order and payment confirmation email lands in there.